Dhokla with new style

Katori Dhokla

By Sangeeta Saraf

May, 27th


4 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
7 - 9


  • 3 Rice katori
  • 1 chanadal katori
  • 3 green chilli
  • 1 ginger pees
  • to taste salt
  • pinch soda
  • fresh corrionder for garnish
  • green chutney
  • lahsuni red chatny


  • Soak ricen chanadal overnight then make batter in mixer jar now keep aside for fermetetion for 8 hours
  • Add Adark mirchi paste salt bk soda 1 tbs oil. And stir it put a Grease katori on steamer and pour batter sprinkle fresh Coriander and red mirchi powder cover lid for 5 to 7 mini open lid cool it and remove from. Katori
  • Transfer to plate serve with red chutney green chutney and chai


Enjoy the fusion recipe