A healthy fruit cake

Kiwi Banana Cake

By Shalini Mathur

May, 18th


6 persons
Cook Time
1 hr
8 - 10


  • 9 OZ whole grain thin wheat biscuits
  • 1/4 c melted butter
  • 6 kiwi fruits, peeled, slices
  • 3 ripe bananas
  • 1/2 c sugar
  • 5 c fresh homemade curd
  • 2 tbsp agar agar
  • 1/4 c lime juice
  • 15 blue berries


  • It would be nice to use 9 in diameter springform cake pan. I do not have it. Use any cake pan you have it. Line it with parchment paper. Crush the biscuits, or coarsely powder in a blender. Mix with the melted butter. Layer it in the cake pan.
  • Press the crust hard to make an even layer. Layer the banana slices on the top of the crust, Cover the pan; refrigerate for an hour. I placed the cake pan on the cake stand
  • Filling: peel the kiwi; cut the flesh into small pieces. In a saucepan mix the fruit with sugar and lime juice, Keep the saucepan over medium low heat for a few minutes, until it makes a smooth paste. Turn of the heat. Let it cool completely. Add condensed milk and sugar. Mix thoroughly.
  • In a small bowl, dissolve the agar in ½ cup of Lukewarm water. Transfer the dissolved agar to a saucepan. Keep it over medium low heat. Let the agar dissolve completely. Then add this to the kiwi sugar curd mix. Mix well to make a smooth paste. Transfer the mix to the cake pan; level it with a rubber spatula. Refrigerate for six hours. I did it overnight. after refrigersation take it out
  • If you use spring form pan, it would be easy to get the cake out of the mould (cake pan). I did not get the cake out of the pan at this point. Before serving, I topped the cake with banana slices, kiwi slices and blue berries.
  • Delicious beautiful cake is ready to taste. It needs to be sliced for serving. I have a special kitchen scissors. I cut the parchment paper with the scissors. Then carefully lifted the sliced wedges, kept the slices on serving plate. Serve chilled. Bon Appetite!!!


It can be made for any ocassion