Magical Ring Buns

By Deepti Garg

Apr, 7th


6 persons
Cook Time
1 hr
12 - 14


  • All purpose flour
  • Instant yeast
  • Masala-e-magic
  • Milk
  • Milk powder
  • Water
  • finely chopped spinach,carrot,mushroom,capsicum
  • Finely chopped garlic
  • Finely chopped onion
  • Olive oil
  • Honey
  • Milk for milk wash
  • Melted butter
  • Oil for greasing


  • Add yeast and honey to warm milk.
  • Cover it and let bloom for about 15 minutes.Milk will become frothy after 15 minutes.
  • Mix milk powder and masala-e-magic in all purpose flour.
  • Make a well in the flour and add bloomed yeast.
  • Adding milk little by little gather all the flour into a dough.
  • Add olive oil and adding water little by little kneed into a soft dough.
  • Dust your counter top/work place with flour.
  • Transfer this dough onto it and keep kneeding by stretch and fold method for at least 8 to 10 minutes.The dough should be soft and pliable.
  • Now grease a bowl with oil and keep this dough in it.
  • Brush oil over the dough and cover the bowl with cling wrap.
  • Let the dough rise for 40 minutes or till it doubles in volume.
  • Meanwhile,saute garlic in butter on low flame till it releases its aroma.
  • Add onion and saute. Add water and vegetables.
  • When water boils,add maggi and tastemaker. Cook till water evaporates. Let it cool.
  • Divide it in six equal parts.Keep aside.
  • When the dough has doubled in volume,take it out.
  • Punch out the air and kneed the dough gently for two minutes.
  • Divide it in six equal parts.
  • Working on one part, roll it into a ¼ inch thick rectangular chapati.
  • In half of the chapati make cuts at equal distances .
  • In the end of the other half spoon the maggi filling.
  • Roll this end gently inside such that the dough covers the filling.
  • Roll again and again till the cut part also covers the filling.It will look like a log now.
  • Now gently join the loose ends together such that it looks like a ring. Pinch and tuck the dough underneath to seal the ends.
  • Keep it on a greased baking tray. In the same way make all the six rings.
  • Brush oil over the ring buns and cover them with a kitchen cloth. Keep them aside for about 40 minutes or till they double in size.
  • Once they have doubled up,brush milk over them and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 30-35 minutes or till golden brown.
  • Take out and brush butter.
  • Cover with a damp cloth and let rest for about half an hour.
  • Now enjoy these fingerlickingly delicious buns either as snacks or as dinner.


The quantity of liquid may vary with quality of flour used. So add milk/water little by little.Temp and time of ovens also vary.Keep an eye on your bake after 25 minutes.If need be,tent them with aluminium foil.