Luscious, creamy and tangy perfect summer dessert. It is smooth, creamy, sweet, tangy, delicious and scoopable frozen yogurt. Perfect summer treat, a refreshing one just needed for this hot summer day.

Mango Frozen Yogurt

By Akum Raj Jamir

Apr, 12th


4 persons
Cook Time
40 minutes
2 - 4


  • 2 large ripe mangoes
  • ½ cup thick curd/yogurt
  • 2 tablespoon agave nectar or honey
  • Colourful sprinkle for garnish (optional)


  • Peel the mangoes and cut them into cubes. Take a sip lock bag and freeze them for 3-4 hours.
  • Take the freezed mangoes, yogurt, honey and blend them till smooth and creamy.
  • Pour the mixture in an airtight container and freeze them in a freezer for atleast 3-4 hours or overnight
  • Remove from freezer, scoop it, garnish with colourful sprinklers and serve.


You can use sugar as well for the sweetener. You can also use tutti frutti or dry fruits and nuts of your choice for the garnish.