Mango ice cream

#myrecipe #FoodismSummerBonanza
By Arun Kumar

Mar, 29th


4 persons
Cook Time
25 minutes
3 - 5


  • Honey
  • Saffron
  • Mango
  • Fresh cream
  • Pista


  • Clean and peel the mango. Cut the flesh and discard the seed. Add the mango flesh to the blender jar and make a mango puree. Transfer the mango puree to a bowl. Add fresh cream and whisk to combine everything. Add saffron and half of the pistachio to the mixture. Mix well. Add a little honey to taste. Mix everything well and transfer to a freezer-proof container. Keep the container in a freezer for 5-6 hours. Once the ice-cream is set, scoop and serve.