Homemade matka kulfi. Summer is the treasure of kulfis

Matka kulfi

By Foody Panda

Mar, 22nd


2 persons
Cook Time
8 hr
6 - 8


  • 3 cups of full cream milk
  • 1/2 cups of sugar
  • 1tsp venilla custard powder
  • 1tsp chopped pista
  • 1tsp chopped almonds
  • Some strands of kesar
  • Soaked saffron in warm milk
  • Cardamon powder


  • •Take 3 cups of full cream milk and stir continuously on low to medium flame. • Take some milk on room temperature and 1 tsp custard powder and mix well add this to boiling milk and stir again. •once milk reduces half add sugar and mix well. •add pista and saffron and again stir it. • once the milk is cool down transfer it to small clay pots •cover with aluminium foil paper and keep them in deep freezer for atleast 7 to 8 hours • remove foil the matka kulfi is ready.