Millet murungai keerai adai

By Sai Charan

Mar, 23rd


2 persons
Cook Time
25 minutes
6 - 8


  • Ragi flour
  • Drumstick leaves
  • Onion
  • Green chillies
  • Cumin
  • Oil
  • Water
  • Salt


  • First clean and finely chop the drumstick leaves and keep aside. Place a pan on medium heat and add 1 teaspoon oil it. Once the oil is hot, add cumin seeds and allow them to crackle. Once the cumin seeds crackle, add the finely chopped onions, green chilies and saute till the onions turn transparent,add the chopped drumstick leaves. Saute the drumstick leaves on low heat. Once the drumstick leaves are cooked well, turn of the heat and let the drumstick leaves mixture cool. Meanwhile place a Sauce Pan With Handle on high heat and add 2 cup water to it. Bring it to boil and add some salt. Take 1 cup ragi flour in a Mixing Bowl. Add the cooked drumstick leaves mixture and mix well. Now slowly add boiling water to the ragi mixture and keep mixing with a wooden spatula. mix the dough with hands. Place a tawa on a medium heat. Make a lemon sized ball of the Ragi mixture, one at a time. Keep rest of the dough covered with a wet cloth. Flatten the ball on banana leaf Carefully lift the banana leaf and place it on hot tawa, and slowly peel it away from the adai. Let the adai cook on one side fully. Then flip it to cook the other side. Drizzle little oil on both sides. Let the adai become crisp from both the sides. Once the adai is cooked and is crispy on both the sides, place the adai in a serving plate.