Mini Tart

By Priti Adnani

Jan, 5th


12 persons
Cook Time
1 hr and 40 minutes
9 - 11


  • (For Dough) Egg
  • Oil
  • Powdered Sugar
  • baking powder
  • All Purpose Flour
  • (for Vanilla cream) Egg
  • Corn Starch
  • Vanilla extract
  • milk
  • powdered sugar
  • Whipping Cream


  • For the dough Firstly, in a bowl, sieve the flour and baking powder and mix it well. then in large bowl add in the egg, oil, and sugar and mix it with manual whisk until everything is mixed well.
  • Secondly, add in the mixture of dry ingredients and knead the dough using your hand
  • Thirdly, wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate it for 20-25 minutes. then, roll out the dough and shape it using the cookies cutter. then, put the mini tart over the backside of cupcake mould or cupcake liner
  • Finally, bake at 180 degrees for 20-15 minutes. Do not let the tart brown completely it should only be slightly golden.
  • For the vanilla cream Firstly, in a pan add in the egg, vanilla extract, corn starch, powdered sugar and milk, whisk until Everything comes Together. then put that pan on heat and whisk when it is on heat until it becomes like a thick sauce.
  • Secondly, cover the sauce with cling film touching the sauce and refrigerate for 30 minutes. meanwhile , whip the cream.
  • Thirdly, remove the sauce from refrigerator and beat it until it becomes smooth and then mix it with the whipped cream
  • Finally, put the sauce in pipping bag and pipe it on the mini tart and decorate it with your Favorite fruits.


There are two parts in the recipe one part is dough and another is vanilla cream. when the dough is resting in refrigerator you can prepare the vanilla cream and let the cream rest in refrigerator for 30 minutes. once the tarts are baked and cream is ready mix it with whipped cream and pipe it over the tart and decorate it with your favorite fruits.