This Nutella Fererro Rocher Milkshake recipe tastes incredible, looks gorgeous & healthy.

Nutella ferrero Rocher Milk shake

By Foody Panda

Mar, 19th


1 person
Cook Time
15 minutes
3 - 5


  • 4 tsp nutella
  • 2-3 ferraro rocher choclate
  • 2 scoops vanilla ice cream
  • 1 cup chilled milk
  • Chocolate syrup


  • Blend all ingredients in blender. Process until smooth. Decorate the serving glass with chocolate syrup and top it with scoop of vanilla ice cream and fererro rocher. Serve chilled.


Perfect for a hot summer day, Nutella Fererro Rocher Milkshake, is gonna make you wander into a completely new and refreshing sense. Prepare it as a welcome drink for a party, or just for a quick sip in the afternoon, it is there to amaze you. With a creamy sweet taste, it's the perfect refresher drink on a hot summer day. We are sure this would give justice to your sweet tooth. Do pair it with a North Indian main course, if you'd like or just prepare it to celebrate some special day.