Onion samosa

By Namrata Sinha

Mar, 4th


8 persons
Cook Time
40 minutes
11 - 13


  • Wheat flour/ Atta
  • Plain flour/maida
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Oil (hot)
  • Water
  • Onion (thin sliced)
  • Thin poha/ thin flattened rice
  • Kashmiri chilli powder
  • Garam masala
  • Aamchur powder/ dry mango powder
  • Ginger (finely chopped)
  • Coriander Leaves (finely chopped)


  • firstly, in a large mixing bowl take sliced onions and poha.
  • also add chilli powder, garam masala, aamchur powder and salt.
  • then add ginger and coriander leaves.
  • squeeze and mix well and keep aside.
  • take maida and wheat flour
  • further add pinch of sugar and salt to taste.
  • add 2 tbsp of hot oil over the flour
  • crumble the dough.
  • furthermore knead to smooth dough and rest.
  • further, start to roll with a rolling pin as thinly as possible.
  • furthemore, cut the sides and get to a perfect rectangle shape.
  • put the sheet on hot tawa and roast for just 10 sec on both sides.
  • start folding the samosa sheet into triangle and stuff the stuffing.
  • seal with maida paste
  • fold the sheet to form a triangle
  • fold the sheet to form a triangle


You can also use atta instead of maida to make the paste.. Enjoy the recipe.. Thank you?