Oolan curry

By Tanu Sharma

Mar, 25th


3 persons
Cook Time
20 minutes
4 - 6


  • 1/4 kg Ash gourd -
  • 100 gms White bean -
  • 1/2 cup Coconut milk -
  • 3 Green chillies -
  • one sprig Curry Leaves -
  • To taste Salt -


  • Soak the beans in water for around 1 hr.
  • Cook the beans with minimum water till they are 3/4th done
  • Cut the ash gourd into thin slices and cook them along with the beans and slit green chillies. Add salt at this stage.
  • Add coconut milk and curry leaves. Do not boil after the coconut mil is added.
  • Add a teaspoon of coconut oil to finish the curry off.
  • Serve it