Pinacolada Pudding

By Ashney Rebello

Mar, 31st


4 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
6 - 8


  • Milk
  • Coconut Milk
  • Gelatine
  • Monk sugar
  • Fresh Pineapple
  • Tender coconut
  • Some pineapple wedges to decorate
  • Pinacolada essence


  • Heat the milk with the monk sugar on slow flame to not over boil ..
  • Now add the coconut milk to the heated milk and give it a nice boil
  • Bloom the gelatine in cold water .. dissolve it properly and add to heated mixture
  • Now let the mixture of milk cool ...
  • Now add I cup of pineapple and coconut and the teaspoon of essence to the mixture..
  • Pour it the glassware of your choice
  • Let it set for 6 to 8 hours
  • After the pudding is set add the remaining pineapple and coconut and add the pineapple wedge and serve it chilled..


This is a healthy pudding.. with Monk sugar.. If you need to use regular sugar you can use .. I prefer healthy options.. If you are a vegan you can opt out the milk and use only coconut milk It’s my own developed recipe..