Puff pastry sheets

By Radha Nelanti

Mar, 16th


10 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
2 - 4


  • Maida
  • Butter
  • Water
  • Salt


  • In a mixing bowl add 1.5 cups maida along with ¾ teaspoon salt and mix it well. Chop ½ cup cold butter into small chunks of about ¼th inch thickness. Add it to the flour mixture. Gently rub the butter in, without breaking it much. Now add ½ cup ice cold water in small amounts and gently bring the dough together. When the dough comes together, stop working on it. Roll the dough in cling film and place it in fridge for 30-45 mins or in freezer for 20minutes. Dust the dough with little flour and start rolling it gently into a circle. Now we will make the envelop fold on the dough. Start by folding one end of the dough towards the center. Now fold the other end towards the center resembling an envelop. Turn the folded dough 90 degrees and start rolling again. Dust with flour. Repeat the envelop fold on the dough. Turn around and roll again. Repeat the envelop fold. After three folds, the butter starts to get soft. Wrap it tightly in cling film and store in fridge for 30-45mins or freezer for 15-20mins. Repeat the rolling and folding process for another 3 times. The dough becomes smooth after 6 folds. Fold again. Wrap it in cling film and store it.