Rabdi PannaKota

By Brishti Ghosh

Apr, 14th


3 persons
Cook Time
10 minutes
6 - 8


  • Milk
  • Milk powder
  • Condensed milk
  • Blue Spirulina powder
  • Chopped cherry
  • Chia seeds
  • Unfavoured Gelatine
  • Beetroot juice


  • Soak the chia seeds with a cup of water for 15mins.
  • Boil one cup of milk. When it will start to boil, add 3tbspn milk powder & 3tbspn condensed milk.Mix it well & stir it constantly.
  • Add 1tbspn gelatine in milk & gently mix it. Boil it for few more minutes.
  • Add 1tspn Spirulina powder in milk & boil it 2 to 3 mins more. Switch off the flame then & make it cool. Then fill half portion of a glass with blue rabdi PannaKota & keep it in fridge for set.
  • Then fill half portion of a glass with blue rabdi PannaKota & keep it in fridge for set.
  • Boil another cup of milk. Add milk powder and condensed milk. Mix it well.
  • Take 2tbspn milk from pan & add beetroot juice. Add 1tbspn gelatine in it & add it to the boiling milk.
  • Add 1tbspn chopped cherry & boil it for few minutes. Switch off the flame then.
  • Make it cool & then fill the rest portion of the glass. Keep it in fridge for 20mins. Just before serving add 1tspn soaked chia seeds topping with cherry.


You can serve it with any other fresh or dry fruits topping.