Ranga aloo rosomoti

By Arun Kumar

Mar, 25th


2 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
5 - 7


  • Sweet potato
  • Rice flour
  • Maida
  • Coconut
  • Jaggery
  • Water
  • Oil


  • Boil the sweet potatoes, peel, mash well and keep aside. For the filling break solid jaggery coarsely into pieces. Now In a Deep frying pan add the jaggery and water, keep stirring over low heat until the jaggery melts completely and a thick mixture forms. Add some more water if required. Add grated coconut into the thickened jaggery mixture, stir well and keep cooking over low heat until a soft mixture forms. Remove from the heat and keep aside. Add maida and rice flour to the mashed potatoes, knead well. Keep kneading until you get a soft, lump-free dough. Take a lemon-sized ball from the dough, pat the ball to a small round. Add 1 tbsp of the coconut filling, and close the round. Heat 1 cup of vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. Start frying over medium heat until golden in colour. In-between For the syrup break solid jaggery coarsely into pieces. Add water and jaggery pieces to the pan, simmer over low-medium heat until there is no visible lump from the jaggery, remove from the heat. Transfer the Pulis to the warm syrup and leave them soaking in the syrup minimum for 2 hours before serving. Store Ranga Aloo rosomoti in an airtight container.