Ring Pizza

By Swati Agrawal

Jan, 27th


4 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
15 - 17


  • Sandwitch bread
  • Sweet corn boiled
  • Broclie chopeed
  • Red yellow green Capsicum mix
  • Onion chopped
  • Garlic chopped
  • Baby Corn chopped
  • Black pepper
  • Oregeno
  • Salt
  • Chilly flakes
  • Tomato sauce
  • Soya sauce
  • Cheesse Cubes
  • Butter
  • Chopped Tomato
  • Coriander leaves


  • For Pizza Sauce: Take butter chesse cube in a bowl add 1/2 tspoon chilly flakes 1 tspoon spoon tomato sauce saute it n kept aside
  • For filling: Take a bowl add sweet corn broclie baby corn red green yellow capsicum onion coriander leaves chilky flakes oregeno soya tomato sauce salt black pepper mix it well
  • Take bigger ring of bread spread pizza sauce then took another small ring of bread over it fill the filling spread grated chesse n bake it for 5 mon in the oven ur ring pizza is ready to serve Serve hot


This dish is so tasty n easy to make kids who is not eating vegetable it is a right choice