Sahi Tukda


Mar, 28th


6 persons
Cook Time
1 hr
11 - 13


  • Bread
  • Ghee
  • Sugar
  • Full cream milk
  • Kesar
  • Almond
  • Cashew
  • Pista
  • Rose water
  • Keora water
  • Corn flour
  • Water
  • Milk powder


  • Put the sugar in a pan and add 400 ml water. Boil it till the syrup is ready. Add a pinch of kesar in it to get the color. Once it's done keep aside for cooling
  • Cut the bread slice into rectangular pieces. Heat the ghee in a pan and fry the same. Once done dip it in sugar syrup and take out and put it in a medium to big size bowl
  • Boil the milk. Add water in the corn flour and stir it well. Add the liquid corn flour in boiled milk and continuously stir it to avoid lumps. Add the milk powder and continue stirring. Once the milk turn into thick consistency pour it on the bread.
  • Cut the almond, cashew and pista in small slices and spread it over the bread pieces
  • Put 10 spoons of sugar syrup
  • Add 1 spoon of rose water and 1/2 spoon of keora water. Refrigerate it for one hour and now it is ready to serve


While serving may add some cherry slice for decoration