
By Radha Nelanti

Mar, 31st


10 persons
Cook Time
1 hr
4 - 6


  • Rice
  • Sesame seeds
  • Ajwaim
  • Green chillies
  • Oil
  • Salt


  • Soak rice for 6 hours, drain the water and let dry for 4 hours. Now grind the rice into a fine powder. Add the sesame seeds, carrom seeds, salt, warm oil and minced green chili and mix. Add about 200 ml of water and make a dough. Spread a clean cloth. Take a lemon sized dough in the hand and gently with your fingers start releasing the dough in a fine tube, simultaneously twisting it and make concentric circles. Let rest and dry for 2 hours. Heat oil in a pan. Take a flat cardboard or a pan and slide the sakinam from the cloth to the plate. Gently slide it into the oil. Let them fry until they turn brown.Drain on a paper towel. Serve.