Fresh Star Fruit Juice will be the next beverage hit this summer. Star Fruit is also known as Carambola and I'm explaining below the variations and ways that you can use this beautiful fruit.

Star fruit juice

By Pooja Gujarathi

Apr, 19th


2 persons
Cook Time
20 minutes
2 - 4


  • 4 Star Fruits
  • Ice Cubes
  • 1½ cup Water
  • Sugar optional, to taste


  • Wash your star fruits to get rid of impurities on the skin and cut the fruit into chunks. If you use a blender, place the fruit chunks with the water and sugar into the blender jar and blend smooth. Strain through a fine sieve before pouring into glasses with ice cubes. If you use a juicer, simply press the fruit chunks through the juicer and collect the juice on the other side. Mix with sugar (powdered sugar will work better), water and ice cubes in a glass. Serve cold