Strawberry Ice cream

By Mayurika Rathod

Mar, 4th


5 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
0 - 3


  • 340 gms- Strawberries
  • 480 ml Amul Fresh Cream
  • 1 can Condensed Milk


  • Before starting the process Keep the whipping blades, Large mixing bowl, Amul cream and Condensed milk in fridge for atleast 2 hrs.
  • Roughly Wash The Strawberries And Blend Into A Smooth Puree.
  • Take A Cold Large Bowl, Add Cold Amul Fresh Cream And Whip On Medium To High Speed Till You Get Stiff Peaks.
  • Now Add Cold Condensed Milk, Strawberry Puree And Again Whip On Low Speed To Incorporate Everything.
  • Now Pour The Mixture Into Any Mould Where You Want To Set The Ice Cream.
  • Cover With Cling And On That With Foil And Then With Lid. And keep In The Fridge to set For Minimum 7-8 Hours Or Overnight.
  • Your Homemade easy With very few ingredients super delicious Strawberry Ice cream is ready to serve


1. Before making the Ice cream ensure all the ingredients including bowl and whipping blades are cold. 2. You can keep Ice bars down the bowl when whipping the cream if climate is hot. 3. You can use Heavy cream/Whipping cream 4. You can add strawberry chunks at the end while keeping the mixture for setting in fridge.