Strawberry, grapes & gooseberry pistachio crumble


Mar, 22nd


4 persons
Cook Time
45 minutes
9 - 11


  • Cape gooseberries/physalis
  • Grapes(red globe/crimson seedless)
  • Strawberries
  • Sugar
  • Pistachios chopped
  • Cornflour
  • Whole wheat flour
  • Sugar
  • Butter(chilled & diced)
  • Breakfast oats
  • Pistachios chopped


  • Preheat the oven at 180°c. In a dry bowl mix flour and sugar with a spoon
  • Put in cold butter and cut into pieces. Work with finger tips or dough cutter to make breadcrumbs like pea sized texture. Now toss in the oats and nuts lightly with a spoon.
  • Halve the gooseberries and grapes and chop the strawberries.
  • Toss all the ingredients for the fruit filling .i.e. fruits, sugar, pistachio and cornflour in a large bowl. Divide into 4-6 ramekins or bowls. Top with crumble and press gently to seal the fruit in.
  • Bake till tops are brown and stewed fruit juice appears around the edges. Approximately 30 mins. Remove and allow to cool.
  • Enjoy this treat while it is still warm.


This crumble recipe is set to win your heart! The best way to use extra fruit on hand. It is pure joy to see this beautiful and healthy dessert get lapped up so quick! Strawberries are a definite favourite in desserts and juicy grapes add an extra tinge. While cape gooseberries change the game. Juicy, tart macerated fruits with a buttery, crispy topping makes this an easy dessert that will disappear in minutes. I love this wholegrain topping which makes this classic an indulgent healthy treat.