Yummy creamy homemade ice cream

Sugarless chocolate creamy ice cream

By usha rani

Apr, 4th


4 persons
Cook Time
20 minutes
6 - 8


  • Frozen bannana 4 nos
  • Dates 4-5 no's
  • Cashew 8 -10 no's
  • Almond 7-8 no's
  • Coco powder 1-2 spoon
  • Protein powder 1-2 spoon
  • Choco chips
  • Vanilla essence


  • Soak almond cashew dates in hot water for 15 minutes. Peal the skin for almond.
  • In blender add almond cashew dates blend together add coco powder and protein powder vanila extract blend into smooth paste. Add frozen banana blend smooth paste. Transfer to air tight container freezer for overnight. Serve chilled garnish with choco chips