Suji chocolate cake

By Tanu Sharma

Mar, 25th


8 persons
Cook Time
1 hr and 30 minutes
9 - 11


  • 2cup grinded suji or fine rava
  • 1/2 cup rice bran/sunflower oil
  • 1 cup dense curd
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 spoon baking soda/soda bicarbonate
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla/chocolate essence
  • 1small bowl small bowl choco chips sprinkled with
  • 1 cup around warm milk
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 1-2 teaspoon All-purpose flour/maida


  • Take a 3 liter bowl & add curd, whisk with baloon whisker in one direction to smooth it.
  • Now sieve & add sugar powder, whisk, then add oil, whisk & mix all.
  • Sieve and Add fine rava in three batches & mix well.Add coco powder.
  • Rest this batter for half an hour.
  • Add warm (not hot) milk spoon by spoon to dilute it till dropping consistency like cake batter/ribbon consistency may come or not.
  • Add baking powder, baking soda & essence & mix well. If needed add warm milk.
  • 3/4rth to 1 cup milk needed to dilute. If not required, keep aside leftover milk.
  • Add maida coated choco chips. Keep some to sprinkle over.Now preheat your convection or OTG to 180 degree. I used gas tandoor/baati oven on smallest burner, lowest flame.Pressure cooker 5 liter without gasket/ring & whistle can be use.
  • Grease an aluminum tin with oil & place parchment paper & coat/line it with oil. To cut shape of paper, place tin bottom over paper, draw boundaries with pencil & then cut with scissor. Perfect inner paper layer ready.
  • Drop batter evenly & tap 2-4 times to remove air bubbles & smooth. Sprinkle remaining choco chips.
  • Place in oven & bake for 35 minutes. In baati oven it took 60 minutes. Earlier it took 40-45 minutes. Take toothpick/knife test at every corner. If it fully clean, it's done.
  • Never take toothpick/knife test before 30 minutes. Also never open door or lid of oven before 25-30 minutes.
  • Small burner, lowest flame. If baati oven or pressure cooker used.
  • If pressure cooker then do not forget to remove gasket/ring & whistle. Sand/salt at bottom & place your pot over rectangular 3-4 inch stone or stainless steel round ring or hot pot placing ring. Do not forget to preheat.
  • Ready to eat. Hot/warm or freeze chilled yummy delicious chocolaty suji cake.