Tandoori momos

By Radha Nelanti

Mar, 28th


2 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
18 - 20


  • Maida
  • Salt
  • Oil
  • Water
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Salt
  • Corinader
  • Pepper
  • Curd
  • Ginger garlic paste
  • Pepper powder
  • Red chilli powder
  • Corinader powder
  • Cumin powder
  • Chaat masala
  • Salt
  • Besan


  • In a large mixing bowl take refined flour, salt, oil and mix well. Add water to the mixture and knead smooth dough. Let it rest is for 20 minutes. Heat oil in a pan, add garlic clove and onions. Saute well till it turns translucent. Now add cabbage, carrot, salt and black pepper powder. Mix well, cover and cook until soft. After about 20 minutes, take the prepared momos dough and roll out small balls from it. Take about a teaspoon of stuffing and place into the middle of the dough. Use your fingers to pull the dough together and pleat one side to the other, using your fingers to seal. Now heat the steamer and place the momos in it with some distance. Let it steam for about 10 minutes. Prepare tandoori marinade: In a large bowl take curd along with all other ingredients for the marinade. Mix well for all the spices to combine well. Place the steamed momos in the prepared marinade and let it rest for an hour. Now preheat the oven at 200*c for 10 minutes. Line the baking tray with parchment paper and keep aside. Arrange the marinated momos in the baking tray. Place them in the oven for 10 minutes until charred. Serve tandoori momos topped with chaat masala.