Pull me up tender coconut cake

Tender coconut cake

By Sonam Hundia

Dec, 22nd


10 persons
Cook Time
50 minutes
9 - 11


  • Maida
  • Curd
  • Oil refined
  • Baking powder
  • Sugar
  • Baking soda
  • Tender cocnut water
  • Whipped cream
  • Fresh cream
  • White chocolate
  • Tender coconut flesh


  • Mix maida sugar baking powder baking soda and keep aside
  • Mix curd sugar oil in a bowl add the dry ing to this and make a smooth batter
  • Pour this batter in greased tin and bake for 40 min at 180 degree
  • Cool completely and then cut into two Slices and soak them with coconut waterand cover each slice and entire cake with whipped cream
  • Chill for 10 min then wrap the cake with plastic sheet
  • Heat fresh cream and add white chocolate and melt to make ganche
  • In ganache add coconut flesh chopped coarsely
  • Pour this ganche sauce on the cake chill and enjoy