Cold dessert


#myrecipe #sweets #FoodismSummerBonanza
By Juthi Chakrabarty

Mar, 21st


2 persons
Cook Time
4 hr
9 - 11


  • Milk 1 litre
  • Poppy seeds 100 gms
  • Melon seeds 100 gms
  • Cashew nuts 50 gms
  • Almonds 50 gms
  • Cardamom 5 to 7 units
  • Cinnamon 1 unit
  • Black pepper whole 8 to 9 units
  • A large pinch of saffron
  • Dry rose petals 50 gms
  • Sugar 4 tablespoons


  • Soak almonds, cashew, poppy seeds and melon seeds in water for 10 minutes.
  • Dry grind cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper, and dry rose petals into a fine powder.Keep aside.
  • Start boiling the milk, until the colour of the milk changes to cream colour.
  • Now make a paste of soaked cashew nuts, almonds, melon seeds and poppy seeds.
  • Now add this paste in the milk and mix it well.
  • Add sugar and saffron with the milk, stir constantly.
  • Now add powder into the milk and mix it well, cook for another 8 minutes.
  • Refrigerate for 4 hours.
  • Serve chilled decorated with pistachio.