Thenga/Coconut Barfi

#myrecipe #FoodismSummerBonanza
By Tanu Sharma

Mar, 25th


2 persons
Cook Time
20 minutes
3 - 5


  • 1 coconut
  • 1 1/2 sugar
  • 1 glass water
  • 1 tsp cardamom powder
  • 1 tbs ghee


  • Grate coconut. 2glasses coconut take 1 1/2 glass sugar and 1 glass water. Add sugar and water to pan. Let it boil till 1 string consistency.
  • Add coconut and stir continuosly. Till it condenses. Meanwhile make cardamom powder. Add 1tbs ghee too. Till coconut mixture leaves the edges and we can see the bottom of the pan go on stirring.
  • Grease the plate and pour the coconut mixture and level it with a bowl. Mark and cut to desired shape and once cool store in air tight box.