Upvas cookies

By Priya Shah

Aug, 10th


4 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
5 - 7


  • Amaranth flour
  • Powdered sugar
  • Baking soda and baking powder
  • Melted butter
  • Curd
  • Vanilla essence
  • Dryfruit powder


  • Mix all the dry ingredients together and sieve it in a bowl.
  • Add butter and vanilla essence and mix it well. Add curd and make a soft dough. Refrigerate it for 5 min then make small balls from the dough and place on a baking tray.
  • Preheat the oven from 10 min on 200degree. And place the baking tray with cookie dough inside for 15 min . Once it's golden brown remove it out and cool it on the rack. Decorate with pistachios and almond and some rose petals. Cookies are ready to eat.