Walnut chocolate truffle ball

#myrecipe #FoodismSummerBonanza
By Neha Gupta

Mar, 30th


5 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
0 - 3


  • 150 grams walnuts
  • 500 grams dark chocolate
  • 100 fresh cream


  • First chop the walnuts. Chop the chocolate in half.
  • Now heat the fresh cream in a pan. (Keep gas flame medium) Once the cream is hot, turn off the gas, add a piece of chocolate and melt it.
  • Now melt the second chocolate with a double boiler.
  • Now add chopped walnuts to the melted chocolate with cream and mix. Let set in the freezer for five minutes. Take it out of the freezer and make small balls with ghee. Let it set in the freezer for five minutes.
  • Deep fry the few balls made in the melted chocolate with the help of a fork spoon and coat the chocolate. Arrange it on butter paper and set it in the fridge for five minutes.
  • Whisk the other few balls into the chopped walnuts. Allow to set in the fridge for five minutes. Remove from the freezer and serve cold. Ready nut chocolate truffle ball for boys and adults.