Watermelon Kiwi Cooler is one of the tropical drink which helps in keeping our body cool and hydrated from this hot summer heat. A very light and refreshing drink with enhanced taste.

Watermelon Kiwi Cooler

By Akum Raj Jamir

Mar, 16th


2 persons
Cook Time
5 - 7


  • 2 cups watermelon cubed
  • 1 cup kiwi cubed
  • 3-4 mint leaves
  • ½ cup crushed ice cubes
  • 2 tablespoon sugar
  • A pinch black salt
  • For garnish-mint leaves, watermelon cubes, kiwi


  • Blend the watermelon, Kiwi, sugar, mint leaves, crushed ice and black salt in a blender.
  • Strain it and collect the juice out completely.
  • Pour the juice in serving dish.
  • Skewer the some watermelon and Kiwi cubes in a toothpick.
  • Garnish the cooler with watermelon and Kiwi skewer and mint spring and serve.


You can use sea salt or rock salt instead of black salt. You can also squeeze some lime. Use the sugar as per the sweetness of your watermelon or as per your taste.