Amritsari kulchas date back to the times of Mughals and Nizams and till date they have been a favourite of Indians.The Kulchas are best enjoyed with Chhole or can be enjoyed with some chutney or curd as well.

Amritsari Kulcha

By Foodism Team

Nov, 27th


1 person
Cook Time
45 minutes
8 - 10


  • Refined flour 1 kilograms
  • Canola oil 100 mililitres
  • Onion 1 cup
  • Potatoes 1/2 cup
  • Coriander seeds 2 teaspoons
  • Ginger 2 teaspoons
  • Green coriander sprigs 2-3 units
  • Green chilli chopped 1 units
  • Anar dana seeds 1 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice for garnishing


  • Make a semi-firm dough with refined flour, water, salt and keep it covered with moist cloth for 1 hour in a cool place.
  • Combine all filling ingredients, except canola oil, and gently fold together. Check seasoning.
  • Dab some oil on your fingers and palms. Using them, make small balls (40-50 g each or size of medium potato) from dough and flatten to stuff with filling. Pack flattened dough with filling just enough to stuff and encase well.
  • With a rolling pin, flatten wedges again.
  • In a medium-hot, non-stick pan, brush wedges with canola oil and cook evenly on both sides. Serve wedges with coriander-mint chutney or curd (optional).