Banana Walnut

By Rishika Dean

Dec, 26th


10 persons
Cook Time
1 hr and 30 minutes
11 - 13


  • Plain Flour 1cup
  • Sugar 20 gram
  • Baking powder 1 tsp
  • Baking Soda 1/2 Tsp
  • Salt 1/4 tsp
  • Oil 1/2 cup
  • Condense milk 1/2 cup
  • Vanilla essence 1 tbsp
  • Curd 1/4 cup
  • Milk 2-3 tbsp
  • Walnuts 1/2 cup
  • Cinnamon 1/2 tsp
  • Banana 3 medium


  • Preheat the Oven @ 180 degree for 10 min and grease your tin.
  • Sieve All The Dry Ingredients, Plain Flour, Baking Soda , Baking Powder, Cinnamon And Salt.
  • Roughly Chop The Walnuts And Roll Them In Sieved Dry Ingredients.
  • Mash The Banana . Make Sure To Use The Ripe Ones
  • Mix Oil , Sugar , Curd And Condense Milk in a bowl.
  • Add Vanilla Essence And Mashed Banana. Mix Gently.
  • Add The Sieved Dry Ingredients And Mix. If the batter is not of flowing Consistency add 3 tbsp milk and mix.
  • Pour the batter in the greased Tin, which should be lined with Parchment paper.
  • Bake for 25-30min at bottom rack @180degree With Lower coils.
  • Once baked, let it cool for 5-7 min and then demould . Let it cool Completely On cooling rack.
  • Enjoy it with cup of tea or coffee.


1. Ingredients should be at room Temperature. 2. Preheat the oven at 180 degree. 3. Dry Ingredients should be sieved. 4. Avoid over mixing and over baking. 5. Check if the cake is baked properly with help of skewer. If it has not baked properly, bake for some more time. 6. Do not demould the cake Immediately once it cones out from oven.