Cake for Christmas

By Kinjal Wala

Dec, 25th


8 persons
Cook Time
1 hr
12 - 14


  • Whole wheat flour 1 cup
  • Baking soda 1 tbs
  • Baking powder 1/4 tbs
  • Ginger powder 1 tbs
  • Cinnamon powder 1/2 tbs
  • Curd 1 cup
  • Oil 2 tbs
  • Date syrup 1/2 cup
  • Jaggery 1cup
  • Water 1 and 1/2 cup
  • Dry fruits and cherries 1 and 1/2 cup
  • Dark chocolate 20 grams
  • Butter 100 grams
  • Suger powder 3 tbs


  • In a bowl take 1 chp of whole wheat flour
  • Add 1 tbs ginger powder and 1/2 tbs cinnamon powder
  • Add 1/4 tbs baking soda and 1 tbs baking powder
  • Take 2 bowl and take 1 cup of curd
  • Now add 1/2 cup of date syrup and 2 tbs oil
  • Add all dry ingredients in this wet ingredients. And give a Stuve.
  • On the gas keep 1 bowl and add 1 cup of jaggery and 1/2 cup of water. After add all the dry fruits and cherries.. and boil for 10 minutes
  • Add this dry fruits ingredients in those dry and wet mixed up ingredients
  • Take a cooker and remove it's visal. And keep on medium gas for 5-6 minutes
  • Take cake teen plate. And apply oil and butter papper in plate..add all the mishran in plate and tape to 4-5 time.. that it destroys all the air bubbles.
  • Niw this plate keep into the cooker for 40 minutes
  • Mean while we will make cream for inside the cake. Take 1 pan .. add 1 glass milk, 2 tbs maida, 1tbs suger, and 20 grams dark chocolate.
  • Now this pain keep on the slow gas flame.. and stove until there boil. Once a boil remove in some bowl and wait to cool
  • Now we will Make whipped cream for out layer of the cake. Take 1 bowl and add 100 grams butter. And whipped with the help of hand whisker. After the butter change to white add 3 tbs of suger. And whipped for 5 minutes
  • Now turn of gas flame of cooker. And remove the plate. and wait to cool
  • Once the cake sponge cool cut into the 2 part in the circle.. apply suger syrup on top of this 2 part..
  • Apply that dark chocolate cream inside the 2 part of cake
  • Now apply a whipped cream in all the Out side of the cake.. in proper way..
  • Dram a picture that you want.. and fill it with its colour which made by whipped cream


Remember that do not add the same amount of baking soda and and baking powder.. bcz it's will make the heard to your cake. And 2 tips is do not wiped a cream for a long time.. it makes thin and 1 type of liquid.. so that you will be face a problem at the time of apply