Caramalised pineapple Cake

#myrecipe #sweets #summerrecipeswithfoodism
By Saurabh Khurana

Apr, 22nd


6 persons
Cook Time
1 hr and 30 minutes
7 - 9


  • Flour 180 g
  • Sugar 125 g
  • Milk powder 50 g
  • Baking powder 5 g
  • Refined oil 75 g
  • Water 180 g
  • Whipped cream 250 g
  • Coconut powder 75 g
  • Pineapple slice 5 no


  • For making sponge, mix flour sugar, milk powder, baking powder with oil and rub till sandy texture
  • Then add water and mix to make a smooth lumps free batter mix one table spoon coconut powder and mix Pour in 6" lined mould and bake at 180 degree celcius pre heated oven
  • On other side caramalise pineapple slices sprinkling sugar on them Keep two for topping and chopped rest for using in filling
  • After sponge is baked, cool it and cut into three slice , sprinkle pineapple juice over it and apply cream add caramalised pineaaple chunks repeat for one more layer
  • On the top layer apply cream md garnish with pineapple and coconut powder