Caramel pudding

By Priya Puneeth

Feb, 9th


6 persons
Cook Time
45 minutes
5 - 7


  • 6 in pan 1
  • Bread pieces 6
  • Custerd Powder 4 Ts
  • Sugar 500 G
  • Milk 1/2 Li
  • Water
  • Pan, aluminum foil


  • Step 1: In a pan take ¼ cup sugar and heat on low to medium flame until the sugar turns golden brown.
  • Step 2: Pour The Caramelized Sugar Into A Cake Mold And Spread To Cover The Base.
  • Step 3: Now Take 6 Bread Slices, And Trim Off The Sides. Pulse Into Crum
  • In a bowl Take 4 table spoon of custerd powder Pour 1/2 cup water mixed it well
  • In a large bowl take 1/2 cup of milk 1/2 cup of sugar cook it on medium Flame and add Custerd mixture Cook it on medium flame with Sttirring once the mixture turns Creamy and thick add the bread crums Gradually cook it for 2min
  • Pour the mixture Into the cake mold Of caramalized Sugar cover the mold with aluminium foil And steam it on A medium flame for 20-30 Min.
  • Cool completely and refrigerate for 1 Hour Unmold and enjoy bread caramel pudding