
By Mohit Khanna

Apr, 29th


6 persons
Cook Time
15 minutes
0 - 3


  • Wheat Flour 2.5 Cups
  • Water 1 Cup
  • Ghee


  • Prepare the desired amount of dough from the Basic Dough recipe. After resting for 2-2 1/2 hours, knead well. Divide the dough into peach-size balls. On a lightly floured surface, flatten one ball of dough with your hand.
  • . Using a rolling-pin, roll out the dough into a thin, round patty, about 5 inches in diameter. Roll from the centre, turning patty several times to prevent sticking.
  • Try to make the edges slightly thinner than the centre. As you cook the chapatti/roti, one could be rolling out the next, rather than shaping all of the chapattis at one time.
  • Preheat a cast-iron tawa over medium heat. Place the rolled dough on the palm of one hand and flip it over on to the tawa. When the colour changes on the top and bubbles appear, turn it over.
  • When both sides are done, use kitchen tongs (chimta) to remove the chapatti from the skillet. Gas Stove: If you have a gas stove, hold the cooked chapatti over a medium flame and it will puff up immediately.
  • Turn quickly to flame-bake the other side. Do this several times, taking care that the edges are well cooked.