Cheesy Veg Shaami Kabab

By Mayuri Chauhan

Mar, 14th


4 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
18 - 20


  • Bengal Gram(Kala Channa) 500gm
  • Onions 3 medium Chopped
  • Garlic 12-15 chopped
  • Ginger 2 inches chopped
  • Green chillies 4-5 chopped
  • Lemon Juice 30ml
  • Coriander leaves 1tsp
  • Red Chilli Powder 1tsp
  • Garam masala powder 1tsp
  • Cloves 6
  • Bay leaves 2-3
  • Cinnamon 2 sticks
  • Black cardamoms 4-5
  • Green cardamoms 5
  • Nutmeg Powder 1\4 tsp
  • Cumin seeds 1tsp
  • Dried red chillies 8
  • Black peppercorns 3 tsp
  • Salt 2tsp
  • Cheese 3 small Cubes


  • Soak the bengal gram overnight.peel and dice 3 onions.peel the garlic.
  • Tie the Ingredients (cloves,bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, black cardamoms,greem cardamoms, nutmeg Powder, cumin seeds,dried red chillies and black peppercorns) for the spice mix in a piece of muslin cloth or place in an infuser.
  • Put the soaked gram in a pressure cooker with water reaching an inch above gram.add the chopped ginger,onions,garlic,Pinch of salt,and the spice bag and pressure cook for 15 minutes or till done.
  • Remove the spices and grind them with a little of the cooking water to a fine paste.grind the boiled gram using a little of the remaining water.
  • Add the ground spice paste, chopped coriander lemon juice, chilli powder and garam masala to the paste.mix well and adjust seasoning.
  • Shape the gram mixture into 16-18 small patties on your a little cheese in the center and bring the edges of the patty together to enclose the stuffing.
  • Heat the oil in a girdle.put the patties on the girdle.cook over a medium heat till nicely crisp on side.Flip the patties over and cook the other side as well.
  • Garnish it with a ring onion and some coriander leaves. Serve with a green chutney.


Gram paste Can also be stored for 10 days in a deep freezer.