
By DrUrmita Chakraborty

Apr, 19th


2 persons
Cook Time
15 minutes
16 - 18


  • Panipuri papad 5 pieces
  • Boiled Potato 3 pieces
  • Raw Mango 2 pieces
  • Tamarind pulp 2Ggm
  • Onion 2gm
  • Green chillies 4
  • Chandmal mixture 2gm
  • Cucumber 1
  • Coriander leaf 2gm
  • Soaked up chana 2gm
  • Red chilli sauce 2tbsp
  • Tomato sauce 2tbsp
  • Plain water 5 ml
  • Black salt 2gm
  • powder of fried cumin seeds 2gm
  • Black pepper 2 gm
  • Red chilli powder 2 gm
  • Panipuri chat masala 2 gm


  • Arranging all ingredients
  • Masala kept ready
  • Termarind pulp to be mixed up with water. Termarind water along pulp will be used
  • Cutting vegetables in small pieces
  • Mixing all ingredients in a bowl. In the end panipuri papad will be smashed and added into the bowl
  • Ready for serve


Maintain the sour taste. Can be taken in afternoon time