Delicious Ice Cream Home Made (Summer Special)

By Pavani P

Apr, 6th


6 persons
Cook Time
15 minutes
5 - 7


  • Cream 250ml
  • Double Tonned Milk 250ml
  • Condensed Milk 250ml
  • Sugar 4 spoons
  • Cashews 25gms
  • Butter 2 tsp
  • Corn Flour 3tsp


  • Take 1/2 cup of Milk then add 2 Tsp of corn flour to it
  • Heat Milk bring it to boil then add Milk mixed corn flour to boiling milk and mix it properly
  • Allow Milk to completely cool down
  • In a blender jar add cooled Milk
  • Then add condensed milk
  • Also add fresh cream to blender
  • After blending whisk it for 3 more min manually
  • Now heat a pan then add 3 to 4 tsp sugar and 3 to 4 tsp water mix it continuously till it becomes thick to prepare caramel syrup
  • Now add two tsp butter to this caramel syrup
  • Then add crushed cashews to this caramel syrup
  • Then transfer it to plate and allow it to cool completely. After cooling crush it to make caramel nuts
  • Transfer the contents in blender to precooled vessel
  • Add crushed caramel nuts to this
  • Refrigerate it for atleast 12 hrs Yummy yummy icecream is ready