- On a heated pan, add ground coconut, melted jaggery/gur, and cardamom. Stir and mix all ingredients together until the mixture becomes slightly sticky. Remove from heat and keep aside to be used as filling.
- Add 1 tsp oil in a heated saucepan, add water and salt to taste. Let the water come to a boil and add rice flour. Close lid and reduce heat to low flame and let it cook for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, stir the mixture to form a soft dough.
- Remove dough onto a plate and while the dough is still warm, knead well. Adjust water and flour as required while kneading. Divide dough into small equal sized balls and roll them into thin round circles.
- Add the coconut filling on one side in each pitha. Fold and twist the edges to close the pitha. Set aside. Take milk and sugar in a deep bottom vessels and start boiling in low flame until turn 2/3.
- Now take one cup of milk from the boiling milk and mix dates plam jaggery. Add this Mixture to the boiling milk by using a laddle mix it very well.
- Now add pulis one by one in low flame and keep cooking for about 15mints to reduce the Moisture. The milk will gets thickens then. Switch Off the flame when desired consistency reached. Add ghee and Cardamom pwdr for soothing flavor.