Mango misu

#myrecipe #sweets
By Gayatri Vinod

Jun, 14th


1 person
Cook Time
15 minutes
4 - 6


  • Mangoes(alphonso) 2 or 3
  • Pistachios 3 tblspn
  • Amrakhand 4 tspn
  • Saffron infused milk 4 tblspn
  • Vanilla cake Cut in discs as per serving bowl
  • Mint leaves For garnishing


  • Take the dessert serving bowl. Cut the vanilla sponge cake into discs(2 in no. For layering) as per the rim size of the bowl, so that cake sits in bottom easily. If unable to do so cut the chunks of the cake and layer the bowl.
  • After layering , sprinkle saffron infused milk approx 2 tblspn to soften the cake.
  • Add 2 to 3 tblspn amrakhand, spread it evenly.
  • Add cut pieces of mangoes šŸ„­ generously. Add chopped pistachios.
  • Place the 2 disc ot cut pieces to cake to cover and to make it as top layer. Add saffron milk.
  • Garnish with extra mango pieces, us8ng pipibg bag design some amrakhand and fin8sh of with mint leaves or basil leaves. Njoi..šŸ˜‹šŸ“


1. Use fresh vanilla sponge cake or you can bake 1 at home(will share the recipe soon) 2. Do not add the overripe mangoes, buy goid quality sweet mangoes. 3. cut the mangoes into cubes and chop the pistachios for the exact crunch n bite.