- Mix rawa, salt, sugar, 1/2 bowl curd (texture should be like idli mix)
- Take 2 spoon of butter and heat it. Add chilli-garlic-ginger paste, boiled sprout, carrot, cabbage, simla mirchi in it.
- Add this mixture to Rawa mixture and Add soda on it.
- Mix everything properly. Brush some oil on cake making utensil and take the batter in it.
- ake it in microwave convention or O. T. G. on 200°C for 10minutes.
- After completion of baking remove it out and let it cool down.
- take low fat curd add jeere pud, miri pud and mix it well.
- dd this curd on protein cake. Add some jammun chutney on it and serve it. You can use kairi or aavla or tamarind