By Mayuri Chauhan

Aug, 21st


4 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
9 - 11


  • Full Cream Milk 1 litre
  • Khoya 150 gr
  • Sugar 300 gr
  • Thick Slice Of Milk Bread 8
  • Green Cardamom Powder 2 tsp
  • Rose Water 2tsp
  • Pinch Of Saffron
  • Ghee 300 ml
  • For Garnish
  • Pistachio Slivers 50gr
  • Almond Slivers 50 gr


  • Heat the milk in a heavy bottomed pan.
  • Add khoya , saffron , sugar , cardamom powder and rose water ; bring to boil and remove from the heat.
  • Trim the crust of the bread slices ; in a large shallow frying pan heat the ghee.
  • Add the bread slices and on a low heat, shallow fry them on both sides, turning frequently. Increase and slowly pour the flavoured milk into the pan . Be careful you do not get scalded by the steam produced.
  • Lower the heat and cook till all the milk is absorbed by the bread. Remove from the heat and cook slightly . Place the pan in a refrigerator to chill.
  • Arrange the slices on a plate and garnish with pistachio and almond slivers.