Til(Sesame) Halwa

By Shubham Dubbal

Jan, 7th


4 persons
Cook Time
50 minutes
4 - 6


  • Sesame Soaked in water Half cup
  • Semolina 2tbsp
  • Jaggery grated 50 gms
  • Ghee 4 tbsp
  • Milk/Water As required
  • Cardamom powder A pinch


  • Take a blender jar and make a semi fine paste of sesame Seeds without adding water
  • Take a non-stick pan and add ghee in it
  • After that add the semolina to it and roast on low flame till fragrant
  • On another side make choice of the milk or water that you gonna add in the recipe and keep it for heating
  • When the semolina gets fragrant and touches a slight golden colour add the sesame paste to it and five a fine mix
  • Now immediately add half Cup of warm milk To it and mix
  • Add in the grated jaggery and allow to dissolve
  • Keep stirring for jaggery to melt and sesame to cook thoroughly
  • Cook till it leaves the sides of pan
  • At Last Add Cardamom Powder And Switch Off The Flame
  • Serve hot this winter delicacy and enjoy the season


Do not blend the sesame to very fine paste otherwise it will turn greasy in texture That sesame bite should be felt so Blend on pulse Mode to get better results