Zebra stripes cake

By Sonali Mehra

Feb, 16th


4 persons
Cook Time
40 minutes
5 - 7


  • Maida 1 cup
  • Powered sugar 1/2cup
  • Refind oil/butter 1/4cup
  • Milk 1/2cup and 2 tsb
  • Coca Powder 2tsb
  • Vanilla assence Few drops
  • Baking powder 1 and 1/4 tsb


  • Take a bowl pour maida, powdered sugar,refund oil, and mix it well .now pour milk but slowly so that it can not have lomps now add vanilla assence and keep a side..now pre heat a cooker for. 10 min,keep a jali or stand in it, now take some amount of cake B
  • and mix choaclate powder in it..mix well now we have two better one is plain and other is choclate mixture..now Greece a tin with butter or you can place butter paper now mix baking powder in both of better.first pour plain mixture,tap now choclate Mixture
  • 1 tsb now plain ,repat all untill is over..now take a toothpick and design like flowers.and that's it bake it in pre heat cooker or oven...for 30 min..after 29 kin you can check it if toothpick come clean than your cake is ready otherwise bake lil more...
  • When it baked garnished it with chocolate chip and souse..and your chocolate marble cake is ready to eat..


Keep your cake cool down than cut it .